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Invite for June 2009 MAGIC Party

Soul Kitchen Party

Thinking about Soul Kitchen makes me a little teary eyed. It was a roving Monday night dance party that started in 1989, with incredible music, a gloriously diverse crowd, and 40-ouncers of beer sold to the sweaty dancers. It moved around from Brothers BBQ, Wetlands, and S.O.B.s, and probably some other spots. The image above is an actual scan of my Soul Kitchen t-shirt, worn with pride over the years. Soul Kitchen was my inspiration for the MAGIC GARDEN - I wanted a great mix of people, lots of dancing, happy boozing, and a carefree vibe on a weeknight, when the amateurs from Long Island, NJ and Westchester stay in their own towns and leave NYC to the natives. NYC MAGIC GARDEN has gleefully been around for over 7 years, and while it's more of a cocktail party vibe now, it had its days (years, really) as a big ole dance party that easily went until 3am, in the spirit of Soul Kitchen. And sometimes it still does. But just because we're all 7 years older doesn't mean we can't channel Frankie Jackson's Soul Kitchen and become rejuvenated. Let's do it! At the June MAGIC GARDEN we will all party like it's 1989, when Soul Kitchen began. I'm sweating just thinking about it, and just downed 40 ounces of Colt 45. Hee haw.

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